John Hancock
E pluribus unum blog.  Out of many, one blog.  Why VERSEBALL?  Verseball is the most exciting new sport of the 21st century.  The word "Verseball" is derived from the word "verse," for "versatile," and "ball."  But the word "verse" also implies a verse of poetry or scripture, or a part of a song.  For the purpose of this blog, the word "ball" means "having a ball" or enjoying the process of writing.  Thus "Verseball" is a term that encapsulates the joy of the wordsmith.
Behold. Â Blogs.

The Good Report
Welcome to The Good Report, a forum in which to seek, gather and report upon all that is virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy. The foundational principles of this forum are the love of God and of mankind. The vision of this blog is to drink into one principle of love and to receive truth, let it come from whence it may.

This blog is a receptacle for creativity, for stories, poetry, music, art, and everything creative.

This blog contains general commentary on society, politics, and current events. Â If we are political animals, then this is a political blog.

The White Horse
The White Horse is a blog that contains a record of my course of study in graduate school at Hillsdale College. Â It contains posts on a variety of topics in political philosophy and American politics as well as quotes from great philosophers and statesmen. Â It also contains a record of the various plays, concerts, and activities that I attended while at Hillsdale College.

Psychiatric Survivors
This blog is dedicated to survivors of psychiatry. The purpose of this blog is to reveal the truth about psychiatry and to help survivors along the path of healing.

Israel 2016
I travelled to Israel with the Philos Project at the beginning of 2016. This blog contains a record of that amazing journey.

Gone Sailing
This blog contains a record of a Boy Scout sailing trip on Lake Michigan.

The History of the Church
These are some notes about the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Apostle Paul
"I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me." - Philippians 4:13
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